22029 Parthenia St., West Hills, California 91304
Reprinted, with permission, from Volume Number 3&4. The Audio
Observatory is published ten months per year . Subscriptions are
$15 per year. Overseas subscriptions are available for $30, while
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LFT-VIII Loudspeaker
Eminent Technology
225 East Palmer Street
Tallahassee, FL 32301
Sound Anchors
2835 Kirby Ave. #110
Palm Bay, FL 32905
Speakers are very difficult. Nowhere else in audio do we find such constant
and seemingly inevitable distortions as we do in speakers. If the ongoing debates
between single-ended and push-pull, and solid state and tubes aren't enough
for you, try diving into the debate on the merits of metal domes versus soft
domes, or ported enclosures versus sealed boxes. But. If you are really spoiling
for a fight, tell the designer of a really good dynamic speaker that the best
music you have heard comes from a planar. Be prepared, however, to defend yourself
against physical harm.
Though one of the oldest techniques of reproducing sound, the
planar magnetic gets shoved toward the rear of the audio bus by
the dearth of box speakers and that most alluring of transducers,
the electrostat. The poor planars are often left alone and forsaken.
Not enough sex appeal of flammability for the electrostat folks,
and not dynamic enough for the fans of the dynamic.
Lest you are too tended toward the dismissal of the planar magnetic, enter
Bruce Thigpen with a very different kind of planar magnetic (PM hereafter).
Now, as TAO regulars know, I generally leave the technobabble for the devoted
technobabblers. However, in the case of the LFT-VIII some discussion of the
remarkable Linear Field Transducer (LFT for short) is in order. You see, everyone
loves a planar for what it can do, that being start and stop moving very quickly.
Compared to dynamic drivers, PM diaphragms are quite nearly massless. The PM,s
problems start in the realm of excursion, or the ability to travel very far.
As the common PM moves forward, it is moving away from the magnetic field that
controls it. So on the very loudest dynamic peaks, the PM driver has the least
control. Seemingly a fatal flaw, no? No in fact
Along comes the LFT. Here's a PM driver that has magnets both for and aft.
So when the music gets a hopin' the LFT driver remains under the control of
one magnet or another. Even better, the LFT driver is scads lighter than common
PMs because it employs an aluminized mylar that is etched away , leaving a grid
of conductivity, much like a circuit board, rather than comparatively heavy
wire that is simply glued to the mylar as in a less progressive PM diaphragm.
Great, you say, let's get this puppy up and barkin'!
Hold on there just a minute. First you've gotta put these speakers
together, something that merits comment in itself. The LFT-VIIIs
come in no fewer than three very large boxes. The midrange-tweeter
come in long skinny boxes while the two sealed woofer enclosures
come in a single heavy and bulky box. Something that should be
noted in the otherwise comprehensive and excellent Owners Manual
is the fact that you'll need two to tango with the ETs. The challenge
comes in attaching the deceptively heavy midrange-tweeter panel
to the woofer box. Even with two people, its less than fun. With
one, be prepared to hurt yourself, the LFT-VIII's or both.
Once assembled, the ETs are a real sight. They are large speakers, let there
be no mistake. Still, their thinness and narrow profile make for a visually
interesting device that makes the average box speaker look a tad pedestrian
in comparison. Be ready for comments and looks of genuine wonder. These speakers
are visually impressive, and perhaps a touch imposing.
Before I get to the tunes, let me say that you will be needing
some watts to drive your new ETs. This is a speaker that makes
your typical current-making amp look like a Sanyo. The sensitivity
is quite low, the average impedance quite high so you're looking
for volts (watts) rather then amps. I found life just grand with
an unnamed tube amp of some 125 watts a side or the always hip
and groovy Muse Model One Hundred Sixty. As a practical matter,
I'd put the minimum amp power at 100 watts for the ETs to happily
do their thing.
And what exactly is their thing, you ask? The ETs do what I'd come to believe
was impossible. The truly have all the finesse and deftness of the finest planars,
yet slam enough to simply crush some dynamic pretenders. Put on the new Sheffield
Lab Gold release of Romeo and Juliet (Sheffield Labs 10043-2-G) and be prepared.
The sound toward the end of the first section is massive, with the lower brass
carrying the weighty melody of "Dance of the Knights." The ETs are
utterly fearless of such potentially daunting dynamics, sailing through complex
and extreme sections with an ease that I have not previously heard in my listening
room. At the same time, one becomes aware of what must be considered one of
the Achilles' Heel of the ETs, that being that the images are always quite large;
a wonderful trait when the music is large, less so with smaller works.
Still, the ET does its magic well with a wide variety of music. Todd Garfinkle's
Immigrant's Dilemma (MA Recordings M017A [cd]) is a record that I often use
to test a speakers ability to do two very important things: First, to get the
tones and timbres of a variety of acoustic instruments correctly and second
to see if a speaker can maintain the essential character of the recording venue,
in this case a large and empty auditorium. It was at this point that I added
two very crucial elements to the ETs. First, I installed the newly developed
Sound Anchors platforms (the ones that the rocket scientist over at Audio Advisor
picture installed backwards in their adds) and then I added the internally bi-wired
pair of Cardas Hexlink 5C. I note the cable switch because it allowed the ETs
to perform consistently and better than any other cable that I used with the
VIIIs. Why, I don't know. What I do know is that the 5C significantly sharpened
the focus of the VIIIs , allowing the ETs to do much better at following and
maintaining the proper size of the music being played, and maintaining all of
the ETs considerably low frequency impact and power. But it was the Sound Anchors
that pushed the ET LFT-VIIIs to greatness.
Deceptively simple, The Sound Anchors replace the ET-s mild steel rails that
extend to the front and rear. The Sound Anchors are a U-shaped device that screws
to the bottom of the ETs woofer box. The result is that the ETs and the Sound
Anchors are physically mated together and function together as a system. In
effect, The Sound Anchors enhance and smooth the ETs transition from the midrange
panel to the woofer. In essence, the stands and the ETs function as a team that
will challenge some of the most costly and exotic speakers on the market in
terms of musical versatility.
Lacking faith? Drop your stylus onto John Hiatt's Bring the Family (Mobile
Fidelity Sound Lab MFSL 1-210 [LP])(what, you say you haven't got a copy yet?
Get a move on man!). Try "lipstick Sunset." What you'll hear is the
sound of Hiatts voice tightly defined, but naturally haloed by ambiance and
the soaring and climbing guitar of Ry Cooder above it all. The ETs render it
all so naturally, so easily, that it truly does allow you to forget, though
ever so briefly, that you are listening to a mere record. There is no higher
compliment to give to a speaker.
I hope that none of you are put off but what could be perceived
as a description of a speaker that demands a lot of attention
to detail. What's important to bear in mind is that the Eminent
Technology LFT-VIIIs are the founding member in what I dare say
will be a very exclusive fraternity of speakers that perform so
far beyond their price that they challenge the legitimacy of speakers
costing more. At well under $2000 including the dedicated (and
really mandatory) Sound Anchor stands the ET LFT-VIIIs have no
peers. Highly recommended.